As part of the Erasmus+ project Travel to the future with my waste, students were tasked with monitoring the monthly consumption of one energy source, that is, they should have predicted what the consumption was in school. The second part of the task was to select one student and his family, and compare the consumption over two months. The ultimate goal was to raise awareness of the amount of energy consumed and find ways to achieve greater or less savings by changing our daily procedures.

During February and March, the students monitored the consumption of water and gas, and as the third part of this task, the 6th graders tried to predict the consumption of electricity in the school during April, and compared the consumption of electricity in March and April in the family of the student Angela Šumiga.

The assumption of the student Mateo Majcen of electricity consumption in the school was the closest to actual consumption, so he was the winner of this challenge and won a symbolic prize. The Šumiga family reduced electricity consumption in April compared to March, and through this task confirmed that each individual can contribute to the well-being of our planet Earth through his own actions.

Teacher: Anita Raguž
